ISO Certification made easy!

HOW TO GET ISO CERTIFIED IN 5 SIMPLE STEPS Reach us with initial inquiry form for the Certification. We will do a FREE GAP analysis of your organisation with respect to relevant ISO Standard and give you a quote. Get Trained and Finish the Documentation work. Once you have agreed to our quotation, Our team […]

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10 IT Security challenges in 2018

Security blossoms in the boardroom Sadly, security breaches will continue to be a regular occurrence in 2018 and organisations will struggle to deal with them. New security challenges will abound and these will grab attention in the boardroom. Senior management is increasingly focusing on security issues and recognising them as a core business risk, rather […]

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Technology Transformation

Edited transcript of a speech to the Southern California Software Council’sImpact! Dinner in Los Angeles on January 18, 2001, by Riggs Eckelberry. [Opens with a discussion of NetCatalyst and its role as a Liquidity Engineer, intervening actively in companies on an M&A focus.] Now, I’m going to quickly segue to what I’m personally working on, which is how to […]

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